Stockholm Syndrome-The Ones They Left Behind


Album Cover

Album Cover

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Wombats: Lets Dance To Joy Division

The Meaning:
The song is very poppy and very upbeat and even though it is quite indie it makes you want to dance and jump around. I think the song is trying to say that even though Joy Division's lyircs and songs were very depressing and emotional songs, their music made many people very happy. It is trying to comment on how even the sad songs still manage to make people happy showing the power that music has.

The Treatment:
I had the idea for a man to be walking down the street and around him there are numerous situations where things just go wrong i.e. a couple fighting or an old lady dropping her shopping but then when the chorus comes in everyone starts dancing really happily and when it ends they go back to the bad moment their having. It would also cross-cut between shots of the band who are playing a really small venue, maybe a pub where it looks like they no fans but they are really playing their hearts out and enjoying it. At the end for maybe the last chorus about 30 people rush into the pub and everyone goes crazy for the band.


This is the first of many great posts for the new blog. I will be studying music video across all genres from Metal to Hip Hop to Folk as well as exploring different types of music videos such as animation, ones with a narrative and pure performance.
