Black Background, white writing expecpt for blue writing to highlight improtant links. Main page has a video taking up most of the page. This take s u straight into the music of the band aswell as news. At the side it haslinks to new, sound and vision, on tour, biography, gallers, stuff, shop, forum, mailing list, street team. Under the sound and vision it has this very interessting way of playing music and showing videos. It gives the audience snippets of the music and videos as well in a unique way through an amp which connotes live music and rock which would interest the audience as it targets their unique 'indie' ways.
The website has a border round it which is stylized to the album 'the quilt' and creates the same feel as the album cover through use of colour, and font styles. It shows the album at the very top as well as having the video for their newest song. It then has links to pictures and videos below as well as a music player and tour dates. The album is shown as 'availble for$9.99 at Target' which shows how there trying to sell it straight away. It also has links to other artists under their record labels which acts as a way of the record label not only selling themselves but selling their bands.
This website has their picture at the top straight away showing the bands image. It has their logo but in a new shiny mettallic style which shows how their more mature now. It has a grey background with the logo on but it is hard to see. The colours used are are black, grey, blue and white creating a very proffessional and serious finish to the website. It doesn't contain much information about the band but it has a little interactive box which shows tours, news, twitter, a/v, and you can share it on your own myspace, blog, facebook, as a way fr fans to show their appreciatino and also give the band free advertising.